Postingan kali ini berisi soal-soal latihan cause effect conjunctions atau kata-kata sambung yang menyatakan hubungan sebab akibat.
Sebelum mengerjakan latihan, Anda bisa membaca pembahasan tentang cause effect conjunctions di sini.
Soal-soal latihan cause effect conjunctions ini terbagi menjadi 3 bagian, yaitu exercise 1, exercise 2 dan exercise 3.
Di exercise 1, Anda diminta melengkapi kalimat dengan conjunction atau kata sambung yang tepat.
Sedangkan di exercise 2, Anda diminta menulis kembali kalimat yang diberikan dengan menggunakan conjunction atau kata sambung yang ditentukan.
Dan di exercise 3, Anda memilih opsi yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat.
Berikut soal-soal latihan cause effect conjunctions:
Exercise 1
Fill in the blank space with because/as/since or because of/due to/owing to/thanks to!
1. ... Tian's carelessness, the glass broke.
2. They stayed at home ... It rained hard.
3. John was dismissed from his job ... he often went AWOL.
4. I went to the party ... she had invited me.
5. ... his job promotion, George has to move to another city.
6. ... his outgoing personality, Sarah has many friends.
7. ... price has gone up, few people can afford to buy the cellphone.
8. Melanie was upset ... John didn't return her book yesterday as promised.
Exercise 2
Rewrite these sentences using so/hence/therefore/as a result/consequently!
1. They got the rewards because of their hard work.
2. Due to the bad weather, the game was cancelled.
3. Santi was selected owing to her competence.
4. Andy went to the market because he needed to buy some eggs.
5. Casie had to take a rest because she was exhausted.
6. Peter is going to remind Tom of their appointment as Tom is known to be forgetful.
7. Mr. Jeff rejected Gea's work since it was submitted after the deadline.
8. Tiara didn't go to school because she was sick.
Exercise 3
Choose the correct option for each of the questions!
1. Vera is liked by her friends ... she is very kind.
A. Because of
B. Due to
C. Thanks to
D. Since
E. Therefore
2. Lidya got a bad score for her Math test ... she didn't study.
A. Due to
B. As
C. Owing to
D. As a result
E. So
3. Terry lost her motorcycle, ... she reported it to the police.
A. Because
B. Due to
C. Therefore
D. Since
E. So
4. The team lost too many games this season. ..., it has occupied the bottom position for months.
A. As
B. Since
C. As a result
D. Because
E. Owing to
5. ... his vast wealth, Ronnie can buy anything he wants.
A. Therefore
B. As
C. Because
D. Owing to
E. Consequently
6. Brian went home yesterday ... he felt homesick.
A. As a result
B. Because of
C. Therefore
D. Consequently
E. Since
7. Mary migrated to Canada ... she wanted a better life.
A. Because
B. Due to
C. As a result
D. Therefore
E. So
8. Pauline was late to work again. ..., she was reprimanded by her supervisor.
A. Due to
B. So
C. Thanks to
D. Because of
E. Therefore